Hey, Sport!

We hope you're nice and sweaty from your last workout! The Good Sport was created from the thought that individuals should stay in the game. Sports lay the foundation of our lives.. why do we stop playing?! We are FOREVER Athletes. Whether your fitness journey brings you to the pickleball court, track, picking back up the cleats, or any other movement that you enjoy, you just Keep It Movin'.

Our Founder

Alissa here!

However you found The Good Sport, I hope it leaves you feeling excited for what is to come in your fitness journey. Sports have always played a massive part of my childhood. Growing up with all boys, learning how to throw a perfect spiral was the easy part. Letting out my competitive spirit was another part of that. Whether it was a race to the end of the street, tic-tac-toe, push-up contest.. I may not win every time, but I will always go into it thinking I can.

I believe this is where The Good Sport comes alive in me. Centered around Movement / Community / Competition, we all need that reminder that we are Athletes in our hearts. The world needs a little bit more of this.

Move your bodies daily, be a part of something greater than ourselves & surrounded by people that want to see you WIN, and allow competition between us. That is where we become better.

Dedicated to bring Athletes retail that not only supports all their sweats, BUT ALSO provides opportunities TO GET sweaty.

Get involved. Join the community. Get active. Have fun doing it!